~ HOW ~
HOW: Manner
FOCUS: Suggestion
GOAL: Discover Your Aptitudes
Suggestion for Aptitude Testing: If you have not yet gone through the process of professional aptitude testing, the testing protocol provided by Johnson O’Conner Research Foundation is recognized as a top resource. They have been performing aptitude testing for over 100 years at major corporations, and then analyzing the results to help companies place workers in positions where they can be most effective, based upon their specific aptitudes. This could be a life-changing experience!
Orchestrate Your Aptitudes! Seiji Ozawa, Conductor of the Boston Symphony Orchestra (BSO), when asked what he did replied, “The Orchestra plays their instruments; I play the Orchestra!”
Think of your aptitudes as instruments in your orchestra; play the orchestra!
Elect to strengthen your skill set with focus on your strongest aptitudes. Work to blend the weaker aptitudes into your activities as appropriate.
When your goal is finalized, work backwards from the future situation to the present, in order to determine the steps you must take to reach your goal.
Suggestion to Guide Your Mind: Set up your innate sensory abilities to be aware of events, aromas, touches, sounds and visions that will trigger a connection to your DreamSpeck. The Marketing Term for this is AIDA: Attention | Interest | Decision | Action. In other words, get the attention of your mind, create interest in the contents of your DreamSpeck, make a decision to move forward according to your plan, and TAKE ACTION!